The problem of password recovery

how do users recover lost passwords?
Note that it is not reset.

all the passwords were saved as md5 at the beginning, but they can still be found?

$password = md5 (trim ($_ POST ["password"]));
the database is full of md5 values, so you can"t get your password back, right?


now passwords are basically not recovered, but are reset after non-password verification.

first of all, you have to understand that md5 is irreversible, that is, it cannot be cracked after encryption!
the so-called password recovery is to reset the password after authentication!

finally, I would like to say that (md5) encryption methods have been cracked, although the algorithm has not been made public. It seems that all encryption methods in the United States have been changed in the year when they were cracked


has gone a little too far!

on which website or app have you seen password recovery? it's all password reset. All right,

if your site user password is limited to 6 digits without adding salt, it's still possible.

can we find it, will we still choose to reset it?
