VmuronVuDUDUDUDUDUDUDV title = "doc.title = $event"

topic description

there is such a sentence in the vue document


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


event usually looks like: "doc.title on up-dated updated title" xxxx ", so what is this? v talk on a up-date up-date. Title =" doc.title = $title "? What does the colon title mean directly after update


v-on:update:title you can understand as the same meaning as v-on:update, but he wrote it more clearly to update the literal meaning of title,.

the name of the attribute to be updated. The general way to write it is

:title.sync="doc.title" //props

you can also define "customFun" $emit ("custom:title", data)

) by yourself.

xxx:xxx is just a trigger event name
