How to set colspan and rowspan by Table component in iviewui

how to achieve the effect of colspan and rowspan of table of ordinary html in Table component of iviewui?

the code is as follows:

<Table border :columns="columns" :data="list"></Table>

      columns: [
          title: " ",
          key: "",
          render: (h, params) => {
            return h("div", [
                h("Checkbox", {
                  props: {
                    label: params.row.name_1,
          title: " ",
          key: "",
          render: (h, params) => {
            return h("div", [
                h("Checkbox", {
                  props: {
                    label: params.row.name_2,
      list: [
          name_1: 1,
          name_2: 1.1
          name_1: 1,
          name_2: 1.2
          name_1: 1,
          name_2: 1.3
          name_1: 2,
          name_2: 2.1
          name_1: 2,
          name_2: 2.2

the effect now looks like this:

ordinary table tables can achieve the effect of juxtaposition and parallelism by setting colspan and rowspan.

but the Table component in iviewui, what can I do to merge the ones shown as 1 in the figure into one cell and the ones shown as 2 into one cell?

does not seem to have the operation of merging cells with colspan and rowspan.


Project requirements have changed. Instead of tables, use trees, as shown in the following figure:

Thank you @ Fire Wolf for your answer. I look forward to your update and may use table's merged cells in the future.


carefully studied the table component of iviewui elementui table document for column, and felt that the table component of elementui is indeed easier to implement than the table component of iviewui . Header and table merge cells. It is also much more flexible, but the tag writing in the template template of elementui table is not as simple as using H5 directly. The table style should be made into iviewui or elementui . It's easy to make table . Why bother to write
directly with table of H5 , such as merging header th in vue? And the dynamic rendering method with variable number of table columns . Although only header merging is used here, td is also directly used colspan and rowspan .

iview sets children, to column to render grouping headers, iview split cell component
element has this function
here is a table merging scheme portal: vue+element implements table merging across rows or columns
I'll add iview scheme to it later
