I would like to ask you, after learning the basics of go, would you like to start a hands-on project or? How to advance exactly?

It took

two weeks to finally finish learning the basics of go. I tried to take a look at the standard library yesterday. I can"t eat it. I still want to learn it when I use it. want to learn web development , but the foundation of the network is too weak. I regret not listening to the course of computer network. I would like to ask you how to mend the foundation of web and be able to develop web.

as for those who suggest me to read go or project source code, I understand that you are thinking about my future development, but I do need to be able to make something to motivate myself to continue. I have also seen the source code, but it is quite dizzy.

said so much, the purpose is one:

how can a novice in go who has a basic programming or computer foundation finish learning the basics of go?


it is recommended to do some small projects first. For Web, you can learn the beego framework. For more information, you can refer to astaxie's Go to build web applications. The address is here: https://github.com/astaxie/bu.
. If it is advanced, you can refer to the geek time" Go language core 36 ". If the author is Daniel

web, you can learn to use frameworks such as beego is friendly to beginners and have Chinese documents

you can write a small project. Like writing a personal blog.

write! There is only one way to learn any development language, and that is to write!

just read an official account article:

Writing the website about being poached by YouTube CEO, engineers of the post-90s publicize the coding learning process
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how to program:
do side projects
read programming books
do side projects
take computer lessons
do side projects
read programming blogs
do side projects
that's the best advice I can give. Happy hacking!
