How to achieve multi-level linkage and multi-selection in vue! And with sliding springback and inertia sliding!

problem description

the company has a demand, two-level address linkage can be multi-selected and three-level classification linkage can be multi-selected. Many plug-ins have been found on the Internet and are not satisfied. Better-scroll can solve the problem of sliding springback and inertial sliding. How to solve the problem of multi-level linkage and multi-selection?

the following is the UI diagram

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

if there are relevant tools to solve the best, please provide the development ideas, students I have just contacted vue, thank you for your advice!
uses the like vant component library


see if iview is possible. I remember there is a multi-level linkage

the train of thought is not difficult

remember a nested object. Your description should be 3 layers

        name: '1',
        checked: true,
        children: [
                name: '1-1',
                checked: true,
                children: {
                    name: '1-1-1',
                    checked: true

what you need to do is to click on the children, below this level and set the checked in the children to the green of true. Each check / uncheck simply change the checked of the current child and update the number of selected parent components

as for animation, it is simple and practical to use css3 transition. Change the hidden display to a change in left or a change in width

has the landlord solved it? can you send a copy using iview

