I would like to ask you, how to expose the callback inside the constructor of the subcomponent to the outside world.

clusterize() {
      return new Clusterize({
        rows: this.DomArray,
        scrollId: this.scrollId,
        contentId: this.contentId,
        rows_in_block: this.rows_in_block,
        blocks_in_cluster: this.blocks_in_cluster,
        show_no_data_row: this.show_no_data_row,
        no_data_text: this.no_data_text,
        no_data_class: this.no_data_class,
        keep_parity: this.keep_parity,
        tag: this.tag,

        callbacks : {
          clusterWillChange: function() {},
          clusterChanged: function() {},
          scrollingProgress: function(progress) {}

how to expose callbacks.


put it in an attribute
