The mask layer masks the element, but you can still click on the masked element. what could be the reason for this?

< hr >
    <div>nav-bar</div> //fixed
    <div class="swiper-container">
        <div class="1"></div> //
        <div class="2">    
            <div>dialog </div>
            <div> mask </div> //2

hole came out because I set transparency on navbar, and then the mask layer can change the color of the element.
the main question is: because of the cascading context, no matter how large the z-index that sets mask, you can"t exceed nav-bar,. Is there any other way to move the location of elements?


you'd better provide the following code, which is easy to misarrange.
your mask layer element tag may be in the wrong position, see if it is the child position of the body element, not anything else. If so, it is the event bubbling that causes the event to bubble. The solution is to improve the location of the element.

< H2 > CSS3 attribute < / H2 > The

pointer-events CSS attribute specifies when, if any, a particular graphical element can become the target of a mouse event.

pointer-events-CSS: cascading style sheets

event bubbles, right? Stop the event from bubbling, and provide more detailed code if you can,
