Can vue make it possible for some elements on the parent route page to disappear when the parent route is redirected, and where the child route is rendered?

there is navigation on the left and above.
wants the navigation not to move when you jump.
renders the contents of the child route on the lower right.
originally intended to use v-if to bind to the parent route element
Click on the link and render the child route
with else, but it doesn"t seem to work. After clicking in, the path jumps, but the page is blank


this is the routing configuration:

            path: "/industries",
            name: "Industry",
            component: Industry,
            meta: {
                requireAuth: true
            children: [
                {path: "/:id", component: Modify_industry}

because there are many elements in the first div below, I took a screenshot of


then why not change that piece to a route?
Why is it white? it is estimated that you have not paired. It is best not to use absolute paths for children sub-routing paths.
/ demo, children: / test -sharp/test is a child route
/ demo, children: test ->-sharp/demo/test is a child route, do you understand?


  1. try not to use only one parameter as the path
  2. using name jump, using name jump will not have this problem