How to call the upload handleremove function provided by element-ui to upload pictures in other functions of js?

Picture file upload component provided by 1.element-ui, function (file, fileList) when the on-remove, file list removes the file
: on-remove= "handleRemove",

  handleRemove(file, fileList) {
    console.log(file, fileList);

2. Picture upload as part of the form, after the first successful submission of the form, you need to rewrite the form data. But at this time, the picture upload is not empty,


how do I call the handleremove function in the function after the first successful submission of the form to clear the content uploaded by the picture? The main reason is that the parameter file will not write


doesn't this form control have a clearFiles method, which can be called to clear the content of picture uploads

two methods
1. Find the x button and trigger his click event, which compares low
2. By controlling the attribute file-list , set file-list to []

: on-change='changeUpload'

gives an initial value of isChangeFlag = flase;
and does not execute the second time

          this.isChangeFlag = true;