Nuxt failed to start

Nuxt cannot start

Today, when I ran the nuxt project on the intern"s computer, I couldn"t start it. After solving some problems, I couldn"t find the reason at the last step.

Screenshot is as follows:


ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 errors                                 15:47:58

This dependency was not found:

* /Users/yangwenbo/workplace/edu-back-service/.nuxt/client.js in multi webpack-hot-middleware/client?name=client&reload=true&timeout=30000&path=/__webpack_hmr ./.nuxt/client.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save /Users/yangwenbo/workplace/edu-back-service/.nuxt/client.js

but .nuxt / client.js file exists and has content. For some reason, this error has been reported all the time, and the project cannot be started

I hope there is a great god who can help solve the problem.


node version dropped from v10.6.0 to v8.11.3, and then miraculously good!

my version 8.11.3 also has this error. Good headache

mac node v8.4.0 the same problem is unsolved
win7 node v8.11.1 everything is normal
