Dynamically set the two parameter values of server and fileVal in WebupLoader, how to do it, and solve the problem.

initialize upload cha"jian

uploader = WebUploader.create({
                    auto: false,
                    // swf
                    swf: "/webuploader/Uploader.swf",
                    server: "/back/raw/upload.do",
                    pick: "-sharpfilePicker",
                    accept: {
                        title: "Images",
                        extensions: "gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png",
                        mimeTypes: "image/*"
                    fileNumLimit: 5, //
                    fileSingleSizeLimit: 2048000, 
                    // image, jpeg
                    resize: false

then I want to dynamically set the values of server and fileVal before uploading

RAW_UPLOAD.upload = function () {

how to do it, or can it be set dynamically? I don"t see the corresponding method in the API document. Please take a look at it


uploader.stop ();
uploader.options.server =''/ / the address you want to change
uploader.upload ()
