One group of router-link in vue does not affect the other group of router-link?

first group router-link

 <span class="hotOther">
                    <router-link id="zuire1" to="hotzuire" exact> </router-link>|
                    <router-link id="liuxing" to="hotliuxing"></router-link> |
                    <router-link id="yaogun" to="hotyaogun"></router-link> |
                    <router-link id="minyao" to="hotmiyao"></router-link> |
                    <router-link id="yuansheng" to="hotyuansheng"></router-link>

Group 2 router-link

<span class="other">
                <router-link id="zuire" to="zuire" exact> </router-link>|
                <router-link id="huayu" to="huayu"></router-link> |
                <router-link id="oumei" to="oumei"></router-link> |
                <router-link id="rihan" to="rihan"></router-link> |
                <router-link id="danqu" to="danqu"></router-link>

every time I click on the second group of router-link, I will find that no content in the first group"s router-view will change, because the path has changed, and how to click on the second group"s router-link will not affect the first router-view


I clicked on the hottest pictures of recent hit songs and found that the hottest display in the new album list disappeared


routes are not at the same level

do not understand the problem you are describing.
