Php failed to execute exec, could you tell me how to solve it?


code has only one line, as follows, IP is written by me blindly, and there is no

in order to see it take effect.
var_dump(exec(sprintf("/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s %s -j DROP", "")));

1 browser access, no effect

write, feedback in the browser is empty, originally empty, iptables itself does not return any data, and then check did not take effect

iptables -L

2 manual input is no problem

it"s OK to enter shell manually

iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

3 php does not disable the function

execution in php-cli is OK, or using php to execute files is also OK, but only operations are not performed in the browser, is it because of permission issues? Could you tell me how to solve it?


who is the user running the php-fpm process?

Yes, permission problem. I tested it with other orders.

[root@localhost public]-sharp cat test.php
echo exec("/command"),PHP_EOL;

[root@localhost public]-sharp php test.php
[root@localhost public]-sharp ll /command
-rwx------+ 1 root root 16 Oct 18 17:00 /command
[root@localhost public]-sharp curl http://localhost/test.php

there is no output at this time. Then give setfacl-m u:apache:rwx / command

[root@localhost public]-sharp curl http://localhost/test.php

the program is executed successfully at this time.

I also tried to give permission to execute iptables in this way, but failed. Let's investigate the reason when we have time.

  • iptables is generally executed by root. I don't think your php-fpm/apache is root running the worker process, is it? So permissions must be a problem
  • and check whether the environment variable of php executing shell in browser mode is correct
these two should be solved by checking.