problem description
the drop-down box in bootstrap table does not show the icon on the left
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried
related codes
/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
striped: true, / / interlaced discoloration
cache: false, //true*
pagination: false, //*
sortable: true, //
// sortOrder: "asc", //
sidePagination: "client", //:clientserver*
pageNumber: 1, //
pageSize: 25, //*
pageList: [10, 25, 50], //*
search: false, //
searchOnEnterKey: true,
trimOnSearch: true,
strictSearch: true,
showColumns: true, //
showRefresh: false, //
minimumCountColumns: 2, //
clickToSelect: false, //
// height: 500, //height
uniqueId: "id", //
showToggle: false, //
cardView: false, //
detailView: false, //
showExport: true, //
buttonsAlign: "right",
exportTypes: ["excel", "txt", "doc"], //
Icons: "glyphicon-export",
exportDataType: "all", //basic", "all", "selected".
exportOptions: {
//ignoreColumn: [0], //
fileName: $("-sharpdatetimepicker").val() + "", //
worksheetName: "sheet1", //
tableName: $("-sharpdatetimepicker").val() + "",
excelstyles: ["background-color", "color", "font-size", "font-weight", "border-top"]
onLoadSuccess: function () {