How to modify the support for Chinese name registration

how to modify this js, so that it also supports registered accounts with Chinese names? Why don"t you just change it and send it?

function(b) {
        return a(this).valid() ? (a("p.status", this).show().text(um.loadingmessage), "login" == a(this).attr("id") ? (action = "ajax_login", username = a("form-sharplogin -sharpusername").val(), password = a("form-sharplogin -sharppassword").val(), email = "", security = a("form-sharplogin -sharpsecurity").val(), remember = "checked" == a("-sharprememberme").attr("checked") ? a("form-sharplogin -sharprememberme").val() : "", um_captcha = "", a("form-sharplogin .submit").attr("disabled", !0).addClass("disabled").val("...")) : "register" == a(this).attr("id") && (action = "ajax_register", username = a("-sharpuser_name").val(), password = a("-sharpuser_pass").val(), email = a("-sharpuser_email").val(), security = a("-sharpuser_security").val(), remember = "", um_captcha = a("-sharpum_captcha").val(), a("form-sharpregister .submit").attr("disabled", !0).addClass("disabled").val("...")), _this = a(this), a.ajax({
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            url: um.ajax_url,
            data: {
                action: action,
                username: username,
                password: password,
                email: email,
                remember: remember,
                security: security,
                um_captcha: um_captcha
            success: function(b) {
                a("p.status", _this).html(b.message),
                1 == b.loggedin && (document.location.href = um.redirecturl)
            complete: function() {
                a("form-sharplogin .submit").removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled").val(""),
                a("form-sharpregister .submit").removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled").val("")
        }), b.preventDefault(), void 0) : !1
    function(a, b) {
        return this.optional(b) || /^[a-zA-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$/.test(a)
    jQuery("-sharplogin").length && jQuery("-sharplogin").validate({
        rules: {
            username: {
                required: !0,
                minlength: 2
            password: {
                required: !0,
                minlength: 6
        messages: {
            username: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}")
            password: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}")
    jQuery("-sharpregister").length && jQuery("-sharpregister").validate({
        rules: {
            user_name: {
                required: !0,
                isEnglish: !0,
                minlength: 3,
                maxlength: 15
            user_email: {
                required: !0,
                email: !0
            user_pass: {
                required: !0,
                minlength: 6
            user_pass2: {
                required: !0,
                minlength: 6,
                equalTo: "-sharpuser_pass"
            um_captcha: {
                required: !0,
                minlength: 4,
                maxlength: 4
        messages: {
            user_name: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}"),
                maxlength: a.validator.format("{0}")
            um_captcha: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}"),
                maxlength: a.validator.format("{0}")
            user_email: {
                required: "Email",
                email: "email"
            user_pass: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}")
            user_pass2: {
                required: "",
                minlength: a.validator.format("{0}"),
                equalTo: ""

[\ u4e00 -\ u9fa5] can match Chinese, just modify the rule according to this. Keywords: Chinese regular

remove the following line

isEnglish:! 0,