I don't know if the address is confused because of react-router,. PHP is in the background.

my routing configuration is like this

                    <Route path="/yjs" component={YJS}></Route>
                    <Route path="/ycc" component={YCC}></Route>
                    <Route path="/yd" component={YD}></Route>
                    <Route path="/wwh" component={WWH}></Route>
                    <Route path="/tyw" component={TYW}></Route>
                    <Route path="/ys" component={YS}></Route>
                    <Route path="/sfz" component={SFZ}></Route>
                    <Route path="/yyc" component={YYC}></Route>
                    <Route exact path="/home" component={Home}></Route>
                    <Redirect to="/home"></Redirect>

now that it is packaged and put on the server, there is such a problem
for example: the address of the
project is
codeshelper.com/ project name / index.html

should have been opened
codeshelper.com/ project name / home

but when opened in a browser, the address bar automatically changes to

routing functions are normal, components can access, but the address automatically changes to "server root address / routing address", refresh can no longer open the project

I don"t know if it"s a front-end problem or a background problem.
checked on Baidu. I don"t know if it is necessary to set browserHistory


react-router provides the basename attribute to configure multi-level directories


a problem with nginx proxy configuration?
