The problem of realizing tab Operation by vue

sources of topics and their own ideas

just learned that vue, is doing the tag operation, and found that the contents of the input input boxes in the two tags are exactly the same. How to modify

related codes

< template >

< cube-tab-bar VMI model = "selectedLabel" useTransition >

<cube-tab v-for="(item) in tabs" :label="item.label" :key="item.label">

< / cube-tab-bar >
< cube-tab-panels VMI model = "selectedLabel" >

<cube-tab-panel v-for="(item) in tabs" :label="item.label" :key="item.label">
    <input class="lname" type="text" placeholder="">{{luname}}
  <input class="lpwd" type="password" placeholder="">{{lpassword}}

export default {

data () {
    return {
  selectedLabel: "",
  tabs: [{
    label: "",
  }, {
    label: "",

< / script >

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

what you want is to click "sign in" and "register" tab to display different input boxes
