ask for advice. After the code is executed, enter the name of the movie you want to download, but the get ("href") link you get cannot be downloaded. I looked at the source code tag. The HREF I got is different from the Xunlei download address of the source code. The FREF I got is the same as the getText () of the a tag (in theory, the connection should be the same as the one in the following pictures). Do you have a big answer? What"s going on?
< H2 >-sharprequestsbs4BeautifulSoup4,bs4pip install beautifulsoup4
from urllib.request import quote
import bs4
import requests
movie = input(":")
urlmovie = ""+quote(gbkmovie)
res =requests.get(urlmovie)
bsmovie = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
link =".co_content8 b a")
finallink = "" + link[0].get("href")
xiazai = requests.get(finallink).content.decode("gbk")
bsxiazai = bs4.BeautifulSoup(xiazai,"html.parser")
download ="table tbody tr td a")
for x in download:
print (x.get("href"))