Use img src to reference the picture in the static directory, and the picture will disappear after refreshing the page.

  <div class="emptyCon">
    <img class="empty-icon" src="/static/img/other/noCookie.png">

<div id="add-btn"> <img src="/static/img/other/add-icon.png"> </div> </div>

this is how I quote the picture, refresh the page, the picture will disappear, and then refresh a few times will occasionally appear, the Internet has also seen a lot of methods, can not solve, forget the guidance of the gods!


1. Is it impossible to see the picture on the page when it disappears? Then see if there are any pictures in the 404
2.static directory that have not been processed by webpack

in the request.

two points:

  1. after refreshing, change the request address of the image, which is similar to whether the path of other static resources is the same. Post two uri
  2. .
  3. check the image location dom element node.