When drawing with mxgraph, create edge connections, edges cannot be aligned with vertices

problem description

when mxgraph draws, create an edge connection, the edge cannot be aligned with the vertex, the code is:

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

 var v1 = createVertex(parent, getVertexId(), "ss", 120, 20,24, 24, "dydy");
 var v3 = createVertex(parent, getVertexId(), ":22", 120,300 , 18, 18, "jld");
var e11 = createEdge(parent, getEdgeId(), "", v1, v3, "edgeStyle=orthogonalEdgeStyle;rounded=0;html=1;exitX=0.75;exitY=1;jettySize=auto;orthogonalLoop=1;"); //orthogonalEdgeStyle
