Vue traverses data to generate table?

background data are as follows:

bankDto: [
    0: {bankName: "", bankCode: "20000001", sName: ""}
    1: {bankName: "", bankCode: "20000007", sName: ""}
    2: {bankName: "", bankCode: "20000002", sName: ""}
manageFDto: [
    0: {agent_code: "8611", agent_name: ""}
    1: {agent_code: "8612", agent_name: ""}
    2: {agent_code: "8613", agent_name: ""}
    3: {agent_code: "8615", agent_name: ""}
    4: {agent_code: "8623", agent_name: ""}
    5: {agent_code: "8631", agent_name: ""}
    6: {agent_code: "8632", agent_name: ""}
    7: {agent_code: "8633", agent_name: ""}
    8: {agent_code: "8634", agent_name: ""}
    9: {agent_code: "8636", agent_name: ""}
manageProDto: [
    0: {zhcode: "20000001", process: "", ffcode: "8623"}
    1: {zhcode: "20000007", process: "", ffcode: "8623"}
    2: {zhcode: "20000002", process: "", ffcode: "8623"}

expected view:



            <th v-for="bank in bankDto">{{bank.sName}}</th>
        <tr v-for="agent in manageFDto">
            <!--<td v-for="item in manageProDto">{{item.process}}</td>-->

main question: how to traverse the comments so that the data from the third array can be filled into the corresponding cells?



ask the boss what to do if more than one content can be stored in a td
