Three-level routing, like the grandson route is displayed in the router-view of Grandpa Route

/ user / user list / user details

by default, only second-level routing can be displayed in the router-view in the first-level routing component. The component wants to display the interface of third-level routing in the first-level routing. Is it possible?

+-----------------------------------+                  +------------------------------+
| header                            |                  | header                       |
| +-----+-------------------------+ |                  | +-----+--------------------+ |
| | Nav | main                    | |  +------------   | | Nav | router-view        | |
| |     +                         + |                  | |     +                    + |
| |     |                         | |                  | |     |                    | |
| +-----+-------------------------+ |                  | +-----+--------------------+ |
+-----------------------------------+                  +------------------------------+

to ask this question is that in the background management system, there is only one area showing the main function of Main. It is hoped that all views other than first-level routing (level 2, level 3. N) can be displayed in the main area in the form of cards.

because if I can"t handle it this way, do I have to declare another router-view in the second-level routing component to display the third-level routing component, or deal with the third-level function as a pop-up layer?
