The volume of app.css after vue-cli packaging is too large, how can this be solved?

the project is built using vue-cli, but the packaged app.css file is 1.22m. How can this be optimized?
Baidu mainly found the optimization of vendor.js, but did not find the optimization of css. For advice, thank you



app.js is also very large. Do you use components to load asynchronously
if you have multiple uses using scoped style, build configuration allChunks turn off, do not merge to app.css

new ExtractTextPlugin({
  // Setting the following option to `false` will not extract CSS from codesplit chunks.
  // Their CSS will instead be inserted dynamically with style-loader when the codesplit chunk has been loaded by webpack.
  allChunks: false,

to split, you can use dll in webpack to do partial segmentation, such as public css files of third parties, etc. Then the plug-in mini-css-extract-plugin can be used to extract the css files of their respective modules (if webpack4 is used), and the webpack3 can be converted to extract-text-webpack-plugin
