Using firebase in weex

has anyone ever used firebase in weex? At present, there is no problem with web environmental testing, but as long as it comes to the native side, it is a blank.
js error: like this after using playground

WeexDemo <Weex>[exception]bundleJSType:Vue
instanceId: bundleUrl:WX_KEY_EXCEPTION_WXBRIDGE errorCode:-9400 functionName: exception:[WX_KEY_EXCEPTION_WXBRIDGE] [undefined:undefined:undefined] TypeError: undefined is not an object
(null) userInfo:{
   jsMainBundleStringContentLength = "";
   jsMainBundleStringContentMd5 = "";
} jsfmVersion:0.24.4 sdkVersion:0.18.0 appVersion:2.2 osVersion:12.0.1 platform:iOS deviceModel:iPhone11,2

If you want to know more, please open weex MNT

after using weex debug and opening js error, I saw this:

index.js:32179 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot delete property "startsWith" of [object String]
    at module.exports (index.js:32179)
    at $export (index.js:32239)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:32589)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:31657)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:31583)
    at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
    at index.js:66
    at __weex_bundle_entry__ (index.js:69)

if there is only one line in entry.js, error, will cause both playground and native (ios) to fail:
import firebase from "firebase"

at present, it is found that as long as import firebase , such error.
cannot be solved in many places. I wonder if anyone has ever encountered such a problem?
