has anyone ever used firebase in weex? At present, there is no problem with web environmental testing, but as long as it comes to the native side, it is a blank.
js error: like this after using playground
WeexDemo <Weex>[exception]bundleJSType:Vue
instanceId: bundleUrl:WX_KEY_EXCEPTION_WXBRIDGE errorCode:-9400 functionName: exception:[WX_KEY_EXCEPTION_WXBRIDGE] [undefined:undefined:undefined] TypeError: undefined is not an object
(null) userInfo:{
jsMainBundleStringContentLength = "";
jsMainBundleStringContentMd5 = "";
} jsfmVersion:0.24.4 sdkVersion:0.18.0 appVersion:2.2 osVersion:12.0.1 platform:iOS deviceModel:iPhone11,2
If you want to know more, please open weex MNT
after using weex debug and opening js error, I saw this:
index.js:32179 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot delete property "startsWith" of [object String]
at module.exports (index.js:32179)
at $export (index.js:32239)
at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:32589)
at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:31657)
at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:31583)
at __webpack_require__ (index.js:23)
at index.js:66
at __weex_bundle_entry__ (index.js:69)
if there is only one line in entry.js, error, will cause both playground and native (ios) to fail:
import firebase from "firebase"
at present, it is found that as long as import firebase
, such error.
cannot be solved in many places. I wonder if anyone has ever encountered such a problem?