What does this code mean?

   const categories = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.keyword.datas.length; iPP) {
          if (i === 0) {
              name: this.keyword.datas[0].type,
          for (let j = 0; categories[0] !== undefined && j < categories.length; jPP) {
            if (categories[j].name === this.keyword.datas[i].type) {
            if (j === categories.length - 1) {
                name: this.keyword.datas[i].type,

what does this code mean? Those who understand can help explain it. Now I am going to rewrite it, but I can only understand half of it


categories should be category or directory
there is a I that seems to have an outer loop


if there is no name = this.keyword.datas[ I] .type item in the categories array,
put this.keyword.datas[ I] .type in categories

if (j = categories.length-1) {
categories.push ({
name: this.keyword.datas[ I] .type,

this judgment is to cycle to the end. If you haven't found it, put this.keyword.datas[ I] .type in categories


the first newly created array will only push to one value, which is not useful to compare with another to find the last if of the direct break, is it? Because you will only walk push once, then the length is always 1

create an array categories
extract the type values of the objects in the keyword.datas array to generate {name: type} json object
in the process of inserting the type object at the end of the categories to remove the duplicate type
