drag a small div1 to hover over a large div2.
how to let a large div2 trigger a mouse hover event
drag a small div1 to hover over a large div2.
how to let a large div2 trigger a mouse hover event
I have done a lot of drag-related functions myself, although there are drag-related api, but customization and compatibility issues, I still like to write it myself. Let me tell you according to my idea:
1. div1 mousedown
2. mousedown document mousemove document body document document mouseup mouseup mousemove
3. document mousemove position fixed
4. mousedown div2 mouseenter mouserleave div1 div2 document document mousemove
what is the mouse hover event? you can listen to events such as mousemove when you hover while dragging.
through vuex, it seems that you need to create an extra state variable, and then modify the state through component A, while component B listens for changes in the state, thus realizing the transmission of events. But it feels like the value of this sta...
1. In all component trees, if VNode is a component or a slot, that contains components, then VNode must be unique. So the following two examples are wrong. how to understand this first error Chestnut: <div id= app > <ele> ...
what good table plug-ins do you recommend for vue? ...