How to realize the function of BathText () function in Excel by MSSQL

problem description

to use a custom function in sqlserve to achieve uppercase output of Thai baht, you write a custom function, but you always make mistakes because you don"t understand the syntax rules of Thai baht.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

tried to use the sql custom function to deal with the values one by one, and there was a problem.
found that js has a function to implement this function, which can not be modified simply because numerous groups of sql cannot be modified:

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

1. validate
2. sanitize
3. split
4. proceed
5. grammar
6. combine

const defaultResult = ""
const singleUnitStrs = [
const placeNameStrs = [

 * @param {number[]} nums
 * @returns {string}
function num2Word (nums) {
  let result = ""
  const len = nums.length
  const maxLen = 7

  if (len > maxLen) {
    // more than million
    const overflowIndex = len - maxLen + 1
    const overflowNums = nums.slice(0, overflowIndex)
    const remainingNumbs = nums.slice(overflowIndex)
    return num2Word(overflowNums) + "" + num2Word(remainingNumbs)
  } else {
    for (let i = 0; i < len; iPP) {
      const digit = nums[i]
      if (digit > 0) {
        result += singleUnitStrs[digit] + placeNameStrs[len - i - 1]

  return result

 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {string}
function grammarFix (str) {
  let result = str

  // ""
  result = result.replace("", "")
  // ""
  result = result.replace("", "")
  // ""
  const neungLen = 5
  if (result.length > neungLen &&
    result.length - result.lastIndexOf("") === neungLen) {
    result = result.substr(0, result.length - neungLen) + ""

  return result

 * Combine baht and satang
 * and also adding unit
 * @param {string} baht
 * @param {string} satang
 * @returns {string}
function combine (baht, satang) {
  let result = ""

  if (baht === "" && satang === "") {
    result = defaultResult
  } else if (baht !== "" && satang === "") {
    result = baht + "" + ""
  } else if (baht === "" && satang !== "") {
    result = satang + ""
  } else {
    result = baht + "" + satang + ""

  return result

 * Change number to Thai pronunciation string
 * @param {number} num
 * @returns {string}
function bahttext (num) {
  let result = defaultResult

  // 1. validate: invalid number
  if (isNaN(num)) return result
  // 1. validate: more than
  if (num >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) return result

  // 2. sanitize: ????

  // 3. split: baht and satang
  // e.g. 432.21 >> 432, 21
  // @todo optimize
  /** @type {string} */
  const bahtStr = Math.floor(num).toString()
  /** @type {string} */
  const satangStr = Math.round(num % 1 * 100).toString()

  // 3. split: convert number array
  // @todo optimize it
  /** @type {number[]} */
  const bahtArr = Array.from(bahtStr).map(Number)
  /** @type {number[]} */
  const satangArr = Array.from(satangStr).map(Number)

  // 4. proceed
  let baht = num2Word(bahtArr)
  let satang = num2Word(satangArr)

  // 5. grammar
  baht = grammarFix(baht)
  satang = grammarFix(satang)

  // 6. combine
  result = combine(baht, satang)

  return result

if (typeof module !== "undefined" &&
  module.exports != null) {
  module.exports = bahttext


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

which god can provide relevant ideas or reference materials?
can define a custom function in sql and output the uppercase amount in Thai, not necessarily referring to the js code above.

Thank you.


problem has been resolved.
always wanted to implement an array in mssql, so it didn't.
then directly converts the amount into characters, the part of the array loop, which can be achieved by using conditional statements in sql to deal with characters.
