PHP7 abandoned preg_replace how to adjust, ask for help

problem description

was originally cleared when dealing with the later parameter substitution in url in php5. The code is as follows:
$url = preg_replace ("/ ([? &]) src= [^ &] + (&?) / eBay,""$2" = = "?": "$1", $url);
but an error in php7
needs to be replaced with preg_replace_callback.

related codes

$url = preg_replace ("/ ([? &]) src= [^ &] + (&?) / eBay,""$2" = = "?": "$1", $url);



e modifier has been marked as content to be removed since 5.3 because of security concerns.
is replaced by preg_replace_callback,. The second parameter of this method is a callback function, and the callback function automatically passes in the matching packet as the parameter. The matching group is accessed through the array subscript inside the callback function. (mobile phone codeword is not formatted)

$url = preg_replace_callback("/([?&])src=[^&]+(&?)/is", function($m){ return $m[2]==""? "": $m[1]; }, $url);
echo $url;