Vue's questions about multiple pages and single pages

has used vue to do two projects, a multi-page, a single page from a personal point of view still prefer a single-page approach, the benefits of more concise compilation of faster components can be very convenient communication between the use of vuex and so on
now to start a new project, or use vue. However, the leader said that he still chose the way of multi-page, mainly multi-page, some major, main page with multi-page and then combined with a single-page way to bring in what vue-router and so on.
personally, I still prefer to use a single page, but the leader said that if the project crashes, not all pages will collapse, and there are some third-party things that may not be easy to do on a single page, so I still choose multiple pages, but the compilation of multiple pages is too slow, so I want to ask an experienced partner
. Is the combination of the two reasonable? is there any good practice?


does multiple pages mean multiple html? It's not necessary. It's all loaded on demand. Jump according to route
