Immediately after starting a new Activity in UnityPlayerActivity, call the finish () method to close, and the program crashes.

I need to go into UnityPlayerActivity, and do something, then open a new Activity and pass the result of the operation, and close the current UnityPlayerActivity.
call method in UnityPlayerActivity:

public void onVideoRecorded(String videoPath) {
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setClassName(this, "");
    intent.putExtra("MP4_PATH", videoPath);

to prevent the current process from being suspended by kill when exiting, the kill () method of UnityPlayer is rewritten:

class MyUnityPlayer extends UnityPlayer {

        public MyUnityPlayer(Context context) {

        protected void kill() {


and change the type of mUnityPlayer to MyUnityPlayer. But it still doesn"t work. After entering the VideoActivity interface, the interface will get stuck, and then the interface will collapse after a few seconds.

Why does it crash to call finish () to close the UnityPlayerActivity interface immediately after opening an Activity?


encountered the same problem. After opening the new Activity, the entire application will be restarted.
