Why can tomcat handle static resources?

whether the tomcat, downloaded by http://tomcat.apache.org/ on this page is a stand-alone tomcat or an integrated tomcat? with an apache http server.
1 if it is the former, why can tomcat handle static resources?
2 if it is the latter, why is there no httpd.conf? in the configuration file And when configured, the tomcat port configured by server.xml, such as 8080, can directly receive static resources without the need for AJP port 8009 forwarding? I don"t seem to see the port required by httpd here


1: is independent.

Why can 2:tomcat handle static resources? Please see the official document: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomc.

when the request cannot find a matching mapping, it will be handled by this default-servlet. This servlet can handle static resources, please read and return static resources.
