What does the docker image of node jessie\ tretch\ chakracore mean respectively?

What does the docker image jessiealpineonbuildslimstretchchakracore of

node mean respectively?


the introduction in the document is not very complete https://hub.docker.com/_/node/


Please help me, thank you!


to put it simply, these different tag representations are based on different base image. The bottom of the
page is clear.
Some of these tags may have names like jessie or stretch in them. These are the suite code names for releases of Debian and indicate which release the image is based on.

Jessie stretch wheezy are synonyms for Debian distributions.
, such as Jessie Jesse, was released in 2015.
wheezy was released in 2013.

alpine, like Debian, is a distribution of Linux, which is characterized by a very small size, only 5m. It's so small that it doesn't even have a bash, but there's a similar ash. This is also highly recommended by the government and is suitable to be used as a basic image.

the one with slim is the slimming version, such as Jessie-slim. Only the dependencies required when compiling node are preserved.

as to why there are so many basic images, sometimes we need to compile something else on a specific platform. Meet the environmental requirements of some projects.

simple summary:
if you just want to run node, use Alpine, because it is the lightest.
