when I enable https, to establish a connection for the first time, there must be a tls handshake, so if I open a keep-alive, multiplex connection, do I still need to do a tls handshake every time I reuse a connection?
when I enable https, to establish a connection for the first time, there must be a tls handshake, so if I open a keep-alive, multiplex connection, do I still need to do a tls handshake every time I reuse a connection?
the handshake between keep-alive and tls has nothing to do with it.
keep-alive refers to how long the connection has been idle (keepalivetimeout) or how many requests (maxKeepAliaveRequests) has been processed before closing.
tls shake hands, one connection only once.
if the connection is not disconnected, you don't need
every handshake, keep-live is meaningless.
keep-alive is mainly to allow multiple http requests to share a Tcp connection, instead of creating a new TCP connection every time!
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