Puppeteer external communication

beginner to learn node, I think the process of puppeteer crawling shows how to achieve it on the web page. Ask the Great God to give me an idea


await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });

headless set to false

  • How does Puppeteer make an POST request?

    there is currently an interface that needs to be requested using the POST method, and then the interface will return the HTML page, and we will save the HTML page as a PDF file. const puppeteer = require( puppeteer ); (async() => { const brows...

  • Puppeteer cannot set cookie?

    go directly to all the code: const puppeteer = require( puppeteer ); ; (async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, devtools: true, F12 }); const page = await browser...

  • Can puppeteer reference local files when creating PDF?

    question 1: do a function to generate PDF. Html is read locally without network connection. there is a test.jpg file in the root directory. Now I write the PDF generated by the relative path directly without pictures. could you tell me how to write...
