echart, but you need to give the corresponding click event on each column and then jump to the corresponding page
the solution on the CSDN searched on Baidu, but found that many posts are reprinted and copied from each other, but still do not meet the demand
drawLineChart () {
let moduleRank = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("moduleRankLine"), null, {renderer: "svg"})
let PPM = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("PPMLine"), null, {render: "svg"})
let stackHash = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("stackHash"), null, {render: "svg"})
let changeTendency = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("changeTendency"), null, {render: "svg"})
moduleRank.setOption(moduleChartOption.rankOption, true)
PPM.setOption(moduleChartOption.ppmOption, true)
stackHash.setOption(moduleChartOption.stackHashOption, true)
changeTendency.setOption(moduleChartOption.changeTendency, true)
// ()
changeTendency.on("click", function (param) {
alert("" + //
this.openMessage() //