topic description
I use JAVA to decrypt and refer to the example of c-sharp. There is no problem with encryption. KEY and IV are both the same
.sources of topics and their own ideas
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Code of JAVA
public static String decrypt(String hashKey, String hashIv, String value) {
try {
SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(hashKey.getBytes("UTF-8"), "AES");
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(hashIv.getBytes("UTF-8"));
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv);
byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(RemovePKCS7Padding(HexToBytes(value)));
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(encrypted), "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static byte[] RemovePKCS7Padding(byte[] data) {
int ilength = data[data.length - 1];
byte[] output = new byte[data.length - ilength];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, output, 0, output.length);
return output;
public static byte[] HexToBytes(String value) {
int hexStringLength = value.length();
byte[] b = new byte[hexStringLength / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < hexStringLength; i += 2) {
int topChar = (value.charAt(i) > 0x40 ? value.charAt(i) - 0x37 : value.charAt(i) - 0x30) << 4;
int bottomChar = value.charAt(i + 1) > 0x40 ? value.charAt(i + 1) - 0x37 : value.charAt(i + 1) - 0x30;
b[i / 2] = (byte) (topChar + bottomChar);
return b;
c-sharp code
public string DecryptAES256(string encryptData)//
string sSecretKey = "Xgmz5mMUm7JdpPI7mRXIITSNjPEUtV7f";
string iv = "nxKLik2dMNPUqIJy";
var encryptBytes = HexStringToByteArray(encryptData.ToUpper());
var aes = new RijndaelManaged();
aes.Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sSecretKey);
aes.IV = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(iv);
aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
ICryptoTransform transform = aes.CreateDecryptor();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(RemovePKCS7Padding(transform.TransformFinalBl ock(e ncryptBytes, 0, encryptBytes.Length)));
private static byte[] RemovePKCS7Padding(byte[] data) {
int iLength = data[data.Length - 1];
var output = new byte[data.Length - iLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, output, 0, output.Length);
return output;
private static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string hexString) {
int hexStringLength = hexString.Length;
byte[] b = new byte[hexStringLength / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < hexStringLength; i += 2) {
int topChar = (hexString[i] > 0x40 ? hexString[i] - 0x37 : hexString[i] - 0x30) << 4;
int bottomChar = hexString[i + 1] > 0x40 ? hexString[i + 1] - 0x37 : hexString[i + 1] - 0x30; b[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(topChar + bottomChar);
return b;
what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
c-sharp topics, official examples
Key: Xgmz5mMUm7JdpPI7mRXIITSNjPEUtV7f
IV: nxKLik2dMNPUqIJy
decryption data: fb7a19d840c9877d26d961f6a906602439260588e0e9db45cdc0d4d69a3b97fe22e00fda051ee90c7e987e62a717d409a45e4c04893caa90b31f86dc32929debb391145325f07068854efb5977e9aed0b684e7b0a1cb45a764bad9f4d9ab32cb1f634c66e315054b2d3589a1d9fc0ad3dfdb8dad102df281c306c25972047d4e
normal result: MerchantID=MS15295340&RespondType=JSON&TimeStamp=1485232229&Version=1.4&MerchantOrderNo=S_1485232288&Amt=40&ItemDesc=UnitTest
this error occurred Input length not multiple of 16 bytes