Is @ connect a grammatical sugar in react-redux? How to use it?

currently only know the traditional usage

const App = connect(

but many projects use

@connect(state => ({
  extinfo: state.extinfo,

I can understand what it means, but do I still want to get a more comprehensive understanding of how this grammar is used?


you'd better honestly use the first one.
although the second can be parsed through babel . But none of the Ecma standards has been officially released.

unless you convert all kinds of babel , the compatibility of various browsers is in the palm of your hand.

react-redux is too troublesome to write. It is recommended that you use react-mobx, to make it easy to use

react-redux is too troublesome to write, and it is recommended that you use react-mobx, to make it easy to use

this is decorator mode.
first install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy,
and then in .babelrc

"plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]

is fine
