Elasticsearch is aggregated by two fields, and its two fields are dates

two fields are aggregated. The first is a normal field user_id, and the second is a date. Date, date needs to be aggregated according to fuzzy aggregation. For example, if the date is 2018-02-15, the data of aggregate user_id,2018-02 is the GROUP BY of mysql in the following form


the aggregation of the two fields has been achieved through the script, but how does the second field achieve fuzzy aggregation
"aggs" = > [

                "user_group" => [
                    "terms" => [
                        "script" => [
                            "inline" => "doc["user_id.keyword"].value +"-split-"+ doc["date"].value "
                    "aggs" => [
                        "sum_price" => [
                            "sum" => [
                                "field" => "rmb_amount"

Please help me, thank you very much



            "aggs" => [
                "signing_company_id" => [
                    "terms" => [
                        "field" => "signing_company_id.keyword"
                    "aggs" => [
                        "user_group" => [
                            "terms" => [
                                "field" => "user_id.keyword"
                            "aggs" => [
                                "dates" => [
                                    "date_histogram" => [
                                        "field" => "end_date",
                                        "interval" => "year",
                                        "format" => "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
                                    "aggs" => [
                                        "sum_price" => [
                                            "sum" => [
                                                "field" => "rmb_amount"