Table table in vue.js

< el-table ref= "multipleTable": data= "tableData3" tooltip-effect= "dark" style= "width:" @ selection-change= "handleSelectionChange" >

< el-table-column type= "selection" width= "100%" >
< / el-table-column >
< el-table-column prop= "ProductStore.ProductHouseName" VMI Model = "ProductStore.ProductHouseId" label= "Warehouse" width= "200" >
< / el-table-column >
< el-table-column prop=" ProductStore.ProductName "Vmura Model =" ProductStore.ProductName "label=" Product name "width=" 200 ">
< / el-table-column >

< el-table-column label= "ex-factory price" width= "250" >

<template slot-scope="scope">
  <el-input  v-model="scope.row.Price" name="1" prop="ProductStore.Price">

< / template >
< / el-table-column >
< / el-table >
the backend wants to get this price, ProductHouseId table. How to pass the value vMube model = "scope.row.Price" to the backend? thank you-sharp-sharp-sharp topic description

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you can add events, pass them to the backend when triggered, and choose event handling according to your needs.
