The click event of the page written by the vue framework is invalid

the structure of the page is as follows: was it button failure before or did I replace it with span or failure? I tried to use span. Native didn"t work. I really asked for advice, but I was powerless.

< div class= "button" >

  <span @click="turn_to("/order","order")"></span>
  <span @click="skip_to("/myCode","myCode")"></span>
  <span @click="skip_to("/yzPost","yzPost")"></span>
  <span @click="skip_to("index","index")"></span>
  <span @click="turn_to("/cityPost","cityPost")"></span>
  <span @click="skip_to("/my","my")"></span>

< / div >

methods: {

    skip_to(path, name) {
        this.$router.push({ path: "/proof", query: { type: name } });

Don't underline it, try naming it with a hump

skip_to-> skipTo


1.  path.
2.  methods
3. dom

you can use native js to test what the problem is

do you mean that the function did not execute or did not jump? If you paste it intact, you can execute the function.
I don't know what your two parameters are for, but at least the path of the parameter needs to be changed. The path key of this.$router is also called path
