What does javascript arrow function concatenate mean?

What does the

javascript arrow function concatenate mean? I don"t understand it all the time. Please tell me more about it. The code is as follows:

const renderAuthorize = Authorized => currentAuthority => {  //
  if (currentAuthority) {
    if (typeof currentAuthority === "function") {
      CURRENT = currentAuthority();
    if (
      Object.prototype.toString.call(currentAuthority) === "[object String]" ||
    ) {
      CURRENT = currentAuthority;
  } else {
  return Authorized;

export { CURRENT };
export default Authorized => renderAuthorize(Authorized);

question is the arrowhead function of the second line of code. What does it mean?


indicates that the returned value is a function
for example

const a = b => c=> b + c
var a = function(b){
    return function(c){
        return b + c

higher-order functions, which often appear in Corialization and local applications

"Corey" get to know it.

Corification-Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia

you can make it clear by adding parentheses after braces in the arrow function, such as const a = (b) = > {return (c) = > {return d}}, = > arrow is preceded by parameter, and = > arrow is followed by return

var renderAuthorize = function(Authorized) {
    return function(currentAuthority) {

const renderAuthorize = function (Authorized) {
    return function (currentAuthority) {