problem description
because < Icon / >
I render uniformly, and then modify the state uniformly through state
. As a result, all Icon will change as soon as the state changes. But I want to change only the one I clicked on. The demand is strange. I hope God will forgive me
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried
A ternary judgment is added to the type attribute in the Icon component of Antd. Cause Icon to change uniformly
related codes
const columns = [{
title: "",
dataIndex: "name",
key: "name",
width: 400
}, {
title: "",
dataIndex: "song",
key: "song",
}, {
title: "",
dataIndex: "action",
key: "action",
render: (text, record, rowkey) => (
<Icon type="download" className="action marginRight"/>
<Icon type={ isPlay ? `pause-circle` : `play-circle`} className="action" onClick={this.handlePlay.bind(this, record, rowkey)}/>
< Table
/ >
what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
want to change only the icon of the line that is clicked and played