Problems with history routing in multi-entry single-page applications

problem description

using vue-router "s history mode, there is no problem with the spa application with a single entry, but there is a problem with a page with multiple entries configured.
the project template is here:

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

there are two entries, app1/index.html and app2/index.html, and multiple

may be added later.

start trying to modify the configuration of devServer

devServer: {
    historyApiFallback: {
      verbose: true,
      htmlAcceptHeaders: ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"],
      rewrites: [
        { from: /^\/app2\/index.html/, to: "/app2/index.html" },
        { from: /app2\/.*/, to: path.posix.join(, "app2/index.html") },
        { from: /.*/, to: "/app2" }

then there is no effect




also has the prompt to redirect, but does not change the page. The result is the same.
then I try to change the parameters after to to absolute address,, etc., but it has no effect


has been resolved, and there is no problem with this configuration, which is caused by my configuration in package.json that overrides the configuration in the file.
