Iview carousel picture value got, but after entering does not display the picture need to press F12 to appear the picture?

problem description

add a racing lantern to the modal box. After opening the modal box, the content is white. In fact, you have already got the SRC of the picture


the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

< Carousel autoplay VMI model = "value2" VMI if = "loop >" loop >

<Carousel-Item v-for="(item,index) in uploadList" :key="index">
  <div class="demo-carousel">
   <img :src="item" style="height:241px;width:444px;" alt=""/>

< / Carousel >

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

you can see the picture rotation as soon as you enter it


inspired by @ panda wine fairy, there is a simple way to solve the problem. Add a v-if instruction to carousel, and the value is bound to the booean value of your control modal. In this way, carousel will delay initialization and achieve the effect of calculating listwidth so that it does not let it fall short of 0


I also encountered this problem, which is caused by a width of 0. As you can see from the source code, the width has been calculated when the page initializes (mounted), this.handleResize (); I extracted this component, and then changed its source code to execute handleResize before calling updatePos. Here are two pictures to understand

you can display the height and width of the picture and related elements or hide the display properties when displaying the page. Compare the display with that after pressing f12
, and then analyze

and F12 are sure it has nothing to do with the slow loading time? Or is the initial value empty for operation assignment?

Building owner, has the problem been solved? I have the same problem.
