Modify the form of Gulp version number to report an error Unhandled stream error in pipe.

modify the index.js file in the node_modules/rev-path directory as follows:

// :
// return modifyFilename(pth, (filename, ext) => `${filename}-${hash}${ext}`);

// 1:
return modifyFilename(pth, (filename, ext) => `${filename}${ext}`);
// 2:
return modifyFilename(pth, (filename, ext) => `${filename}?v=${hash}${ext}`);

I want to change hash to the form of? v =. It is wrong to modify it according to the above two methods. I have found a lot of tutorials on the Internet.

1. If you modify it according to the method of Modification 1, there will be no change in the outside directory







file write stream error. The reason for the error is that there is no corresponding file. If the stream is not created by you, just create a new file. If you created it, change it to fs.openFileSync ('file location')


I'm stupid. Just saw an article, suddenly enlightened, my method to modify 1 is right, I misunderstood, its reference file after the "? v =" this form is only with a parameter, and did not modify the file name of css/js itself. So there is no need to modify the css/js file itself at all.

