How to pass two parameters to the background when vue.js initiates a get request.

 let tiaojian = this.$
        fetch("searchread/"+tiaojian, null,"get",(data)=>{
            for(var i in data){

this is an encapsulated get request. I want to pass two or more parameters.

my question is too unclear. Excuse me, everyone, but we use the node express framework to build the background, app.get ("/".) Such


multiple parameters are merged into one object

is this restful api? Ask backstage how he interprets it.

there are two ways: one is your writing, with multiple parameters separated by a slash (the type of route that may be defined by this backend is / < int:id1 > / < int:id2 >); the other is to add the form of params1=xxx&?params2=xxx after the route (the python backend needs to be obtained according to the request.args). It mainly depends on the form of the back-end interface.

pass parameters together in the format of an object

fetch('searchread/'+tiaojian, {
    method: 'get',
    headers: {
        'credentials': 'include',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
        sth: {},
        sth2: [],
        // ...
}).then(result => result.json()).then((data) => {
    for(var i in data){