Why does react-navigation jump to other pages (components of other paths) to generate multiple navigation headers?

as mentioned in the title: when react-navigation routes jump, multiple navigation headers are generated when you jump to components of other paths; if you jump to other components of the current page, multiple navigation headers do not appear.

Why is this?


whether a page has a navigation header is determined by whether header is set to null in the navigationOptions of the page. An example is as follows:

 Home: {
        screen: Home,
        navigationOptions: {
            header:null   // 

add that what you may need is the following code:

const Tab = TabNavigator({
    Home: {
        screen: Home,
        navigationOptions: {    
    Find: {
        screen: Find,
        navigationOptions: {
    User: {
        screen: User,
        navigationOptions: {
            //  , 

// TabscreenTab
export default Navi = StackNavigator({
    Tab: {
        screen: Tab
    Detail: {
        screen: Detail
}, {navigationOptions: {
        //  header:null