Using the infinite scroll component of mint ui, you can't slide the page on the Android virtual machine, you can only scroll on the right side of the scroll bar.

< div class= "page-loadmore" >

            <div class="page-loadmore-wrapper" ref="wrapper" :style="{ height: wrapperHeight + "px" }">
                        :top-method="unfinishedLoadTop" @translate-change="translateChange"
                        ref="loadmoreUnfinish" v-infinite-scroll="unfunishedMore"
                    <div v-for="item in unfinish" style="border-bottom: solid 3px -sharp6B6380; touch-action: none;" @click="seeDetail(item)">
                            <mt-field readonly label="">{{item.PLAN_NO}}</mt-field>
                            <mt-field readonly label="">{{item.MILEAGE_NAME}}</mt-field>
                            <mt-field readonly label="">{{ item.CAR_NO }}</mt-field>
                            <mt-field readonly label="">{{item.LOADING_DATE}}</mt-field>
                    <div slot="top" class="mint-loadmore-top">
                        <span v-show="topStatus !== "loading""
                              :class="{ "is-rotate": topStatus === "drop" }"></span>
                        <span v-show="topStatus === "loading"">
                            <mt-spinner type="snake"></mt-spinner>

take care of it by yourself. It turns out that you can deal with it after using less ul li, and the corresponding class,.
