How is sourcetree's commit list filtered by author?

problem description

on the log / history page of sourcetree, how do the contents of the submission list filter the results by author"s name?
for example, if a project is developed by 5 people, is there an option to show only your own historical submission records in the submission list?

the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried

2.0 and above


sourcetree has not been used, so you can use the git command, which is very convenient.

use the -- author parameter of git log to specify the name of a commiter. Take Taifang warehouse as an example, all commit: of Felix Lange

are shown below.
git lg --author "Felix Lange"
* 025595158 - crypto: replace ToECDSAPub with error-checking func UnmarshalPubkey (-sharp16932) (6 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* e8ea5aa0d - trie: reduce hasher allocations (-sharp16896) (6 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* 3f33a7c8c - consensus/ethash: reduce keccak hash allocations (-sharp16857) (6 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* 6286c255f - p2p/enr: updates for discovery v4 compatibility (-sharp16679) (6 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* 53a18d2e2 - event: document select case slice use and add edge case test (-sharp16680) (7 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* b724d1aad - core/state: cache missing storage entries (-sharp16584) (7 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* e7067be94 - cmd/geth, mobile: add memsize to pprof server (-sharp16532) (7 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* 52b046c9b - rpc: clean up IPC handler (-sharp16524) (7 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* 3caf16b15 - core: remove stray account creations in state transition (-sharp16470) (8 months ago) <Felix Lange>
* c7ab3e554 - common: delete StringToAddress, StringToHash (-sharp16436) (8 months ago) <Felix Lange>
Lg in

git lg is a custom command nickname that makes it easy to display log.

alias.lg=log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

found sourcetree filter by author

specific method:

Go to Search View (menu View > Search View, or press Ctrl+3)
Change the search filter using the dropdown on the right to 'Authors'
Type your query in the search bar

2020-04-08 20.06.20.png
