Why does each .vue file package a separate css file when vue-cli 3.0 is packaged?

recently, when upgrading the vue-cli3.0 package, I found that css has many more files than before. After looking closely, I found that each .vue file has been packaged with a css, and as long as there is a style tag in the .vue file, even if there is no css, it will be packaged with an empty css, a css after the previous package



here is my profile vue.config.js

module.exports = {
  pages: {
    index: {
      // js
      entry: "./src/main.js",
      template: "./public/index.html"
    test: {
      // js
      entry: "./src/test/main.js",
      template: "./public/test.html"
  // css: {
  //   // extract: false
  // },
  devServer: {
    // port: 9526, // 
    // host: "localhost",
    https: false, // https:{type:Boolean}
    open: true, // 
    // proxy: "http://localhost:4000" // ,
    proxy: {
      "/api": {
        target: "",
        changeOrigin: true,
        pathRewrite: {
          "^/api": "" // rewrite,

    } // 

obviously the eldest brothers upstairs don't know what they are talking about. Config.plugins.delete ('prefetch'), remove Prefetch is fine, but in fact, it is only a preload for all js and css, which does not affect whether the page

is dynamically imported or code-separated;
read the code separation in the following document and load as needed.
ides/code-splitting/" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> Code separation

what version do you use? Did you use any family bucket plug-in?

by default, mini-css-extract-plugin is used to type a


most of them are chunk files. Do you have anything special in them?

have you solved

have you found a solution? I have encountered this problem recently
